Answers to frequently asked questions.

Answers to frequently asked questions.
Factoring is a financial service for the purchase of short-term receivables based on contracts for the sale of goods or the provision of services in the country and abroad. It is intended for everyone who has the problem of servicing obligations in the short term.
All legal entities and entrepreneurs based in the Republic of Serbia who have overdue, short-term claims, whether they are existing or future.
We will single out three advantages.
First, factoring is a procedurally faster financial service compared to short-term bank loans, and consequently a better service for servicing obligations in the short term. In contrast to banking procedures for processing credit requests, which can take several months, factoring services are usually completed within a few days. Second, factoring services are not registered with the credit bureau. Third, in contrast to financing costs, which in the case of a credit request depend on the assessment of the client’s creditworthiness, in the case of factoring, the costs mostly depend on the credit analysis of the debtor.
In two ways. Firstly, by reducing the costs of administering receivables and secondly, by optimizing procurement costs through the possibility of using advance payments to suppliers.
With recourse factoring, the client guarantees the factor for the collection of receivables, while with non-recourse factoring, the factor assumes the entire risk of collection of receivables.
The debtor’s consent is not legally required for the transfer of claims from the client to the factor. In accordance with the Law on factoring, the client is only obliged to inform the debtor about the completed transfer of claims to the factor.
The notification on the transfer of receivables is a document that contains basic information about the receivables that are assigned: basis of the receivable (invoice/temporary situation, etc.), amount, date of issue, maturity currency and payment instructions.
In the first step, the client contacts the factor and submits the basic data for query analysis. Based on the inquiry, the factor delivers an offer to the client.
In the second step, in case of acceptance of the offer, the factor prepares the contract documentation.
In the third step, the client signs the documentation and electronically informs the buyer about the change of creditor, after which the factor pays the advance.
In the fourth step, the factor waits for the receivables to be collected until the receivables are due. On the day the claim is due, the factor deducts the amount of the advance payment.
Within 24 hours, we process your request and issue a financing offer.
As a rule, on the same day, and no later than 48 hours from the moment of signing the contract documents and notifying the customer.
On the same day when we collect from the debtor.
The factor grants the client an advance of 60-95% of the claim amount and calculates two costs: commission and interest.
The commission for the processing of the factoring transaction is calculated as a one-time percentage of 0.2-3% of the amount of the advance payment.
Interest is calculated monthly on the amount of the unpaid claim in % of 0.2-3% on the amount of the unpaid claim.
Factoring jobs are short-term financing jobs. In accordance with the above, factoring costs will be lower the faster the collection of receivables, whether the amount of unpaid receivables is reduced by more frequent annuity payments by the debtor or by a shorter payment currency.
Unlike other factoring companies, we do not have a predetermined price list for our services. In accordance with a personal approach to the client, we make the decision on financing based on an experiential and financial assessment of the riskiness of the placement. The factors that determine the price of the service are:
- Assessment of the debtor’s creditworthiness,
- Assessment of the client’s creditworthiness in the case of recourse factoring,
- Assessments of the quality of collateral,
- Assessments of the riskiness of the sector from which the debtor/client come,
- Forced payment indicator,
- Indicator of correction of the value of client receivables,
- Indicators of problematic placements,
- Experience assessments of our team in cooperation with the sector from which the debtor/client comes.
There are no legal restrictions regarding the lower/upper amount of the claim amount. The only condition is that the claim is past due.
The client is obliged to transfer to the new creditor, the factor, the entire amount of funds for the collected claim.
In agreement with the client, we communicate with the customer regarding the reasons for the delay and make proposals for debt repayment. Forced collection is the last step in the collection of receivables, which we use only in cases of: refusal of cooperation, giving inadequate explanations about the reasons for the delay, experiential and financial assessments about the impossibility of servicing obligations in the following period.
Have more questions for us? Please contact us.